Tuesday, July 2, 2013


When I feel lonely , I ask him the reason,
Heart wisper near my ears , feel my pressence

hen I feel depressed, again I disturb him
Depression comes from emmotion,
fight with your mind ,
then come to me.
When I feel scattared , not know what to do?
He told me be cool , it's not time for argue.

When I was hurt from outside , want to be cry ,
He was telling , again in immotion ?
Why you always go for mind?
be cool , be cool, nothing was happened
take a deep breath , and try to go agaist your mind

When I ask him , I have lost my identity along with self respect.
He is laughing and wisper , your identity ? you are mother.
and your "self" is me , if you obey me , in all aspect,
My guidence always give you respect.
No need to go here and there , for you , I am present